Online Wellness Program

Long Distance or On-line Coaching Self-Help Club Home Study Program for Wellness
Below is a description of the Video Call Home Study Program that clients have been using in Texas, Puerto Rico and Italy. This will be the process to reverse the imbalances in your body and keep you at optimal health. It will be tailored to your individual needs. The length of the program will be based on your personal goals.
The benefits you will receive are:
Natural medicine coaching to reverse or heal any of your health challenges.
Greater knowledge of how the body can heal itself.
Staying healthy while taking care of others.
Improved sense of well-being.
This will be a process to reverse imbalances and improve your health. This is a healing journey.
For answers to your questions, we will set an appointment by phone with you or give a call directly.
To get started, write out a history of your health plus any medicine, vitamins and herbs that you currently take. I will give you the format. This is reviewed and translated into the organs that govern the imbalance to determine which organs are imbalanced. (Value $250)
Next, sign an informed consent as a club member. You can mail them back or email them.
Then, send your address. A package will be prepared based on your self-help healthcare profile.
This is what your program will entail.
1) Homeopathic remedies, herbs or teas and instructions bi-monthly in the mailbox (Value $200)
2) Weekly balancing appointments via phone or on-line video call to give you instructions and remove symptoms. Scheduled dedicated time of 20-40 minutes each session. (Value $85)
3) Repertorizing/ Review of your history to translate organs into symptoms (Value $145)
4) Email access to me for your questions (Value $250)
5) Moxa sticks and Instructions (Value $25)
6) Tongue Imbalance Analysis (Value $35)
7) Imbalance Analysis (Value $35)
8) Coaching on how imbalances are reversed with natural and Oriental Medicine (Value $50)
9) Clearing of any energy, emotional and spiritual blockages. (Value $85)
10) Advise on vitamins, herbs and supplements. (Value $90)
Total Value for three months $1000/month total for 3 months $3000 or $6000 for 6 months.
Regular cost is $499/month
Most people need a minimum 3-6 months if you are accepted into the program.
Save by paying in advance.
Silver Member - $2499 for 6 months
Gold Member - $4999 for 1 Year
You will also be enrolled in our special club member program (Value $175) on the final month for only $49 plus the cost of your remedies. This is for your continued support and access to exclusive coaching from Dr. Spencer.
This program will teach you ways to heal yourself and your family naturally. This opportunity for this program will not last long.
Enroll now by sending your address and making a payment so we can rush your first remedies to you.
We will also include a free gift if you act now. (Meditation CD 15 Minute)
For answers to your questions, please email
This is great work for you and your family.